January 7 Newsletter

The New Year is here
It makes me smile
So look 2020 in the rear
and enjoy a walk in a new mile



Happy New Year! The weather has been great, except for the blizzard.

The cats had a hard time to figure out the snow, but now are doing fine. I let them out on nice sunny days.

I’m busy ordering seeds (Garden). There is a seed shortage this season. Everyone wants to garden. I should have a fabulous year because the Waconia Farm Store is no longer in business. It’s a challenge to order. According to experts, the season will be over the top!

I sell garden seeds in the bulk seed potatoes, onion plants and sets, shallot plants, and beautiful flowers. Shallot plants are better and larger than shallot bulbs.

You wonder what I will do new this year? It all depends on the China Virus. I want to do a sing along in my Loft.

I was watching the Garth Brooks Gala on TV the other night. It was fabulous. He played for about 45 minutes after all the Stars got to do their part. He did a couple of sing alongs of his famous songs. This took place at the United States Government Center. The Republican and Democrat Party (5 each) and Nancy was there. I think all the guests were important. I thought if he can do this, so can I. But I will not lead the singing. I know a great lady who might help me. I need to do something Grand this year. I do miss the events.

I’ll get new baby chickens again. People love to look at them. I also would love to open my Coffee Shack. I want to make popovers. I have to figure that out. I have a popover pan somewhere. I think it walked away. I’ll buy new ones also.

Back to my sing along. I would do it at 1pm in July. July the Gardens are at their peak of charm. People could stroll them at 12 noon and the Loft sing along at 1pm. If rain, no strolling, we could do the Loft with dessert.

Here is my advice for getting over winter – Who do you call? Who do you write to? Do you write in a notebook every day to say what you do? Do you learn to bake? Make a great meal? Just sit and think, what you can do for someone? Just figure out something, even if it’s wrong, you will be surprised how much better you will feel.

You can call me… 952-442-4816… I’m always ready to visit. I think it is great to learn new things. I just had my birthday in December, 89 years young. What a blessing I have been given. Age is just a number.

I’ve run out of things to say. So long, until the next time.

At The Farm