Nov 10 Newsletter


The Tree leaves have fallen
The first now is gone
And why aren’t the geese calling?
Birds now have the song

Hello Friends!

The farm is put to bed. It was a fabulous season.
Now what?

The Pop Corn is drying in the greenhouse. I picked a couple of cobs and it was perfect. Don harvested the rest of the field and I popped a cob. Guess what? It wasn’t dry enough, so back to the drawing board and it needs to keep drying on the cob.

The Christmas holiday display is on display in front of the Barn. The lights will go on just before Thanksgiving. I think we all need to decorate this year to give us purpose and remember the reason for the season. Just do even if you don’t want to.

I’ll do my inside of my house. I can’t have a lot of people in but I’ll do it for Donna.

People ask what I do when I close. I return to baking bread. Yeast was a lot easier to find in grocery stores. I love to bake white bread and Kukin for the Holidays. It’s a German Coffee Cake.

I love Sugar Cookies. I’m not the best cookie baker but I have a 1895 Cookbook given to me by my friend Olina. It has milk in it and I had a friend from Hopkins who could make the best Christmas Sugar Cookie with milk in. I can’t find that recipe, so I’ll use this one. Today I can’t find my cookie cutters. I’ll use a jar ring for round ones if I can’t find the other ones.

For an all purpose flour, I use Dakota Maid All Purpose. But for bread I use Dakota Maid Bread Flour. For cake I use Softasilk Cake Flour. It’s in a box not by the other flour.

I gathered the Chinese Lantern on Thursday. I did not get a lot but it was wonderful to pick them.

All flower beds are empty. All pots are also empty. The weather has been just great for doing all fields and gardens.

The Thanksgiving Dinner will be strange. I’ll stay home. Roast a chicken. It’s ok to learn something different.

Fun to plan for 2021. This year was so special. The Instagram sparked a lot of new people. Great when people learn about my wonderful food. It amazes me people tell me they had no idea what was in the Barn. Thought it was just a pretty farm.
I’ll write again,

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Thank you for shopping At The Farm in Waconia