October 2 Newsletter

Hennrette roams the Farm
She is the Star
and she struts her Charm
A gift we enjoy from afar
The summer season has left us and fall is in the air. I have a hard time to close the store. I miss all of you people.
The garden flowers were fabulous. The rain was too much but the flowers loved that, only watering we did was hanging pots.
The vegetable fields are almost done. They are being cleaned and plowed. Love the look of the black fields because I dream of what to plan in the spring. Spring is my favorite time of the seasons. It’s a re-birth of things. Plants wake up, birds return. Rhubarb and Asparagus to Harvest, what a gift.
Sales are great. I have a lot of new people to shop. Some never come back but a lot do. I finally figured out success does not come overnight. It has taken me 22 years to figure that out. I watched the Country Music on Channel 2 and the people had a lot of challenges before they made it.
What puzzles me the most is everyone needs to eat. I think it’s so important to eat right. Know where your food comes from and how it was grown. I should have more people than the wineries. I guess it makes me work harder to teach people about their food.
I tell you where all my produce comes from, Organic, Sustainable, Local, Colorado, California, Canada, Indiana and Georgia.

The honey I sell is fro my Farm. The Maple Syrup is from the north side of Lake Waconia. It’s my passion t have the very best produce.

Picking Organic

Peppers, Hot, Sweet, Bell
Eggplant, Non-bitter
Leaf Lettuce
Raspberries, Fall Heritage
Red Potatoes
Peaches At the Farm

Fill Your Willow Basket

Sweet Corn, local
Peaches, Colorado
Green and Red Grapes, California
Cucumbers, local
Chubs, local
Zucchini, local
Tomatoes, local
Cherry Tomatoes, local
Roma Tomatoes, local
Green Beans, local
Squash, Acorn, Butternut, Buttercup, Ambur, Delacota, Carnival, Spaghetti
Sweet Potatoes, Mississippi
Yellow Potatoes, local

For Your Fall Decorating

Pumpkin, Gourds, Corn Stalks and much more!

Specialty Pumpkins
Jarrahdale (gray)
Rouge Vif D’Estampes (orange)
Long Island Cheese (light orange)
Marina Di Chioggia (gray wasted)
Cushaw (white)
Knucklehead (large orange with bumps)
Pok E Man (small orange and white stripes)
Fancy Pie Orange, long stem
Giant Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins
Galeux d’eysines (light orange)

Broom Corn Bundles
Gourds, Ornamental
Lunch Ladies, Gourds Hay, Swan
Gremlins, Autumn Wing

When you care enough to have the best
Shop At The Farm!