September 5 Newsletter

September by Helen Hunt Jackson
The Golden Rod is Yellow
The Corn is turning Brown
The Leaves in the Apple Orchard
With fruit are bending Down

Can you believe it’s September already? Where did the summer go? That we didn’t get. The business is fabulous. Thanks to all who shop and support my dream.
The produce I have is great! Some produce is struggling and some exploded. The Lettuce loved the cool summer. Colorado Peaches are outstanding. I’ve never sold so many sweet and juicy peaches. Red and Green Grapes are over the top. No, I don’t grow the fruit, but I have a great produce house to supply me. Green cabbage likes this cool weather also.
My elf Olivia has the most fabulous tomato crop I’ve seen this season. Tomatoes are having an issue, most gardens are not getting a good harvest with all the rain, the blight has taken over. I have no answers for blight.
A lot of my Pickling Cucumbers are on their last leg. It’s been hard to fill orders. The dill doesn’t want to set seeds. Don’t know what that’s about. It’s interesting every season to figure things out.
Peppers are having a hard time ripening. We need to make Pepper Jelly, but that’s not working. A lot of new customers and people tell them about my fabulous food.
I lost one of my great orange cats. Spice got in the way of a car. I have spoken for 3 orange Kittens this fall. I think they are boys. They would have some white and orange on them if they were girls. I have them fixed, whatever they are, they can live in the hen house with Hennetta this winter. Hennetta is a star at The Farm. People are so fascinated watching her. One of my customers had taken a photo of her and framed it and gave it to me. You can see that when you shop At The Farm. I just had a 3 year old boy come in with his Dad and ask me where Hennetta was. What memories of shopping here. Hennetta wanted to sit on her eggs, but that doesn’t work. I took the eggs away. I forgot to tell her she needed a rooster for her eggs to hatch. The other 15 Chickens in the pen are fun to watch, they are so colorful. I’ll give them away in late fall. I can’t carry water in the winter.
Carver County is working on a Tourism Plan for the County. I was asked to help the new Director, that was a feather in my hat, love those feathers!
Had company in the Coffee Shack on Thursday. I knew they were coming. I have a group of people next Friday for lunch. I can do 8-12 people, pay in advance. No refund. I’m not open Thurs-Saturday. I need a reset maybe in the fall. It will be interesting for coffee.

Fill Your Willow Basket

Sweet Corn, local
Muskmelon, local
Watermelon, local
Tomatoes, Slicing, Romas & Canning, local
Cucumbers, local
Chubs Cucumbers, local
Zucchini, Green & Yellow, local
Eggplant, local
Peppers, Red, Yellow & Orange, Canada
* Raspberries, local *
Peaches, Colorado
Nectarines, Washington
Grapes, Red & Green, California
Figs, California
Enjoy the summer food!