August 18 Newsletter

Its Farm to Table
How great can this be
I know you are able
Come to The Farm and see


Its a great summer for growing. The harvest is excellent. The tomatoes are slow and the peppers need a push. Its hard to keep up with the rest of the produce.

I’m getting one little kitten, orange. Not that I need more as I have two great black ones. But I always wanted an orange.
My hut by Fleet Farm will have its Swan Song on Saturday, August 19th. Its not doing great this year. The first year it was great. Last year it was ok. This season its not in the cards. I don’t need to feed a dead horse. I really like vegetable stands but its not what other people are drawn to. A lot are not in search of excellence. The grocery store fills their needs. It was fun but good-bye.
I have another feather in my hat. I have met the daughter who’s Dad started the Peach Grove in Colorado, The Mountain Lion Brand. She lives in Bloomington and I’ll have her for coffee to learn about the Peach. The Mountain Lion Brand is so special, I can’t wait to visit.
The Noble Lion in Victoria is doing great. He has helped my business 50% coming from Victoria. What a gift he is. A lot of Victoria people had no idea what I’m about. No idea what great food I have. His website isĀ

Fresh Produce
Colorado Peaches
Washington Nectarines
California Grapes, Red & Green

I have Organic Honey and Local Maple Syrup

Enjoy great food,