March 23 Newsletter

How are you doing?
It’s almost like a dream
Not ready for hoeing
So have a cookie and some ice cream

What has happened in the world? Isn’t it amazing what a difference a day makes? One day we are going and fancy free and the next day the gate is closed.

I have a lot of projects that never seem to get done. Don’t know if I’ll get them done with this way of life. But I’m very able to change direction.

No thrift stores, that’s harder on me than the grocery store.

I have a lot to polish, love to polish. I’ll tackle my silver Water Cooler (1888 Patent), 19 inches tall. I’ll have it on display this summer. A lot of silver on it.

I’m baking a lot. Love sweets, cookies (I’m not great at them), Chiffon Cake, Sponge Cake, bread and Kucken. I love to bake.

I’m still ordering seeds. Not a lot left to do. I don’t know when I’ll open, maybe end of April.

I believe the 15 day shut down in America was the best thing Trump could do. I’m a Trumper. He really didn’t need one more thing on his plate.

Don’t know about the events for 2020. Downtown Abby Tea and Garden Tours. That bites but that’s life, do that in 2021.

It’s interesting how our life has changed. I grew up during the Depression but didn’t know it was a depression. We did have a battery radio. No electric, plumbing or running water. We made it. So this mess, we will get through also.

I call a lot of people to check on them. Love to visit.

When I take eggs to Boni I don’t go into the store. I call them when I get in the parking lot to come to the car and get the bags of eggs.

Take care,
At The Farm
Waconia MN

P.S. You can order CSA for 2020 now.

Link to CSA ordering