March 9 Newsletter

The Sun is Bright
The Cats are Happy
So fly a Kite
No need to be Scrappy



It’s March – Amen!

The cold weather was a challenge, maybe it’s my age.

This month we start up one of the greenhouses. It’s where the seeds are started for Peppers, Tomatoes, Herbs, and Lettuce – Peppers first.

I’m working on getting the Shot. I don’t have any idea when I’ll be called. I’m not excited about this but I can go to stores for groceries and whatever else I need. I’ve had great help all winter to do that for me. What a mess America is in.

Lucky we are not in Texas. My Olivia who helped me for many years moved there last summer. Her parents lived there. She couldn’t believe the snow and cold. Lost most, if not all their trees, shrubs, and plants. She had heat, but no water. Had to melt snow. When I was young on the farm by the South Dakota border, we melted snow if we needed soft water.

seeds At the FarmDo you have any old garden seeds left from last year? You can find out if they will grow this year. Take a few seeds, maybe 3 or 5. Take a paper towel, wet it, put seeds on that, put that in a small plastic bag. Put on the windowsill and in a few days look at that to see if any have sprouted. Some seeds like Carrots, Peppers and Tomatoes take a week or two.

Also, when I’m talking about growing, sometimes your seed does not come up in your garden. It could be the soil is not warm enough. We all get in a hurry to plant, but it’s not always the best idea. For warm crops, put your hand in the soil. Maybe dig a hole. If it’s cold, don’t plant yet. There are Cold Crops and Warm Crops. I have a lists on my website that will tell you which ones are Cold Crops and which ones are Warm Crops.

Easter is early this year and Daylight Savings Time is March 14. Not my cup of tea to change the clock.

Anyone looking for something to do this summer? I always need help. High school kids are great. Also, adults, lady or man.

Hope to re-start the Coffee Shack. The Virus got in the way. Would like to do popovers, scones also, cupcakes.

Did you see my Farm on Instagram? I have a lady with the drone. It will be great to see the progress in the fields all season. When the Rhubarb comes up. It’s so pretty. Another plant I like to watch is a potato. The small plant is so pretty. I love a good potato. There is a lot of potassium in them.

If you are a New Gardener, let me share something with you. It’s about a Cilantro Plant. They do not work. I can’t tell you how many people say they can’t grow it. I ask, do you buy the plant? Everyone says “yes”. I told them that’s your first mistake. They always are. You need to come to my Farm and buy seed. Then you plant every two weeks. Just do a pot or short row. Then you can have fresh Cilantro all season. When you do a pot, plant some in a pot every 1 1/2-2 weeks. Keep planting Cilantro in a short row, then add to the row and another row. We are never too old to learn. We should learn something new every day. My friend Harvey MacKay tells us to learn.

When it’s time to work the soil in your Garden, click on my Instagram Terrific Tuesday Video. To find it, search “At the Farm Waconia”. I’ll teach you to be a fabulous Gardener. I do something every Tuesday to help you. This Instagram is better than sliced bread. I can’t believe what it has done for me.

My friends in Young America always log when the geese come back. They are 9 days early this year. Hope it’s an early spring.

I’ll write again,

At The Farm