April 24 Newsletter

The Tomatoes are growing
Spring is in the air
Rhubarb is showing
So we will keep on sowing


What weather! It’s hard to plan. The snow kept getting in the way. The last snow storm was like the weather I grew up with by the South Dakota border. There was nothing to stop the wind there.

The Vegetable Plants in the Greenhouse are doing great. We got a new seed start and its magic. It holds the water better so plants don’t get dry.
On Tuesday I sold my first Seed Potatoes. I have 6 varieties. German Butterball is a great yellow flesh Potato. Fun to try something new.

The Coffee Shack is taking on it’s new life. I have a new table and chairs to pick up. A lot of decor to finish but I really like the look. We covered the walls with lattice. It’s a Garden Pleasures Theme, a Place to Dream. Need a light fixture hung so I’ll call Sparkie to do that. This Shack I had at the Country Store by the lake, has a lot of good memories. When The Country Store land was sold (not by me) to the Carver County Park System, I bought it and had it moved to my Farm. I was going to do an Apple House in there but that didn’t work. I think this idea will explode.

You wonder what I have for sale? The Onion Plants will come next week. I have Seed Potatoes, Garden Seeds. Hope to start to Jam the week after Easter, maybe cookies soon.

Here is the ad I did in the At Home in Victoria Newsletter, I’ll extend the 10% OFF through May 31. Didn’t have good weather in April.

The CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) pickup is on Tuesdays. He is an excellent grower. I have known him for 20 years. His sweet corn is at the Minnesota State Fair. That’s a real feather in his hat. I have his corn also.
That’s it for this newsletter.

I’ll write again –