August 1 Newsletter

The Rain has stopped falling
The Earth is Pretty and Bright
The Crows are Calling
Look at the Fields, what a Sight!

Have you been to The Farm this summer? The produce is excellent. The rain keeps coming to make the plants smile.

It’s time to harvest garlic. We are starting. They need to be washed and put in a dark shed or garage to dry and the tops will dry down. You can use it when you harvest, after it drys. Cut stem and roots off, it stores better.

We are digging Potatoes, Yukon Yellow and Red Vikings. Our large Yellow Onions, Red River Shallots and Cipollini are ready to pull for sale, but not to store.

About the middle of August is the time to push over the tops of Onions to get ready to harvest for storage. Pull the end of August. Put them in a dark garage to dry off. When the tops have wilted you can store them. If you leave them in your garden and the September rains come, they will re-grow and they won’t store well. When your Potato Plant dries, it’s time to dig for storage, they will also re-grow.

It’s hard to believe it’s soon time to harvest. Where did the time go?
The Pickling Cucumbers are starting to be ready. I sell them by the 1/2 bushel. I need a deposit when you order. Too many people order and then buy them somewhere else. I have dill but only when you get your Cucumbers here for your order.
Have you heard about Basil from Mexico? It has a bug and you will get sick. When you buy Basil or things do you ask where it was grown? You should.

Gathering Organic Produce
Slicing Cucumbers
English Cucumbers
Yellow Sweet Onions
Cipollini Onions
Red River Onions
Red Potatoes
Yukon Gold Potatoes
Green Cabbage
Chub Cucumbers

Fill Your Willow Basket
Sweet Corn, local
Muskmelon, local
Watermelon, local
Potatoes, local
Tomatoes, local
Chubs, local
Red Grapes, California
Nectarines, California
Peaches, Colorado
Green Beans, local
Cherry Tomatoes, local
Sweet Onions, local
Green Peppers, local

Maple Syrup, Waconia
Honey, At The Farm
Jam & Jellies, At The Farm
Coffee, At The Farm

At The Farm